Friday, June 26, 1998

26-06-98 Respectable Street Cafe. West Palm Beach, FL.

It's overcast. It's over cast and raining. I'm Florida and the weather is shit. Hundreds of days off in buttfuck Idaho where it's red hot and there's absolutely nothing to do and no days off in West Palm Beach where there's A BEACH and it's raining. ???

Inside the club I meet more residential Florida haters. Everyone who lives here hates it. The taxes must be cheap or they put crack in the water or something to hold the populous. The crowd are as lame as the weather. Brain dead surfers. I might as well be reading DaDa poetry to these fuckers, they'd be just as excited. I knew it was going to be bad when I glanced up and saw Franz Kafka mixing the lights. Doomed. We blast through our set as fast as possible and run off to the bus. Just one more gig in this flat wasteland state before we get back to the real world.

There are a couple of cool people. One of them is a 55 year old Congressman's assistant called Dan. Dan heard our tune 'Genius' on a CMJ give-away Cd and decided to come down to the gig. I like Dan. He knows what he likes and he doesn't give a toss that he doesn't look like everyone else here and he's twice as old. More power to real people like him. "You get any visa or passport problems while you're in the States then just gimme a call Jon, I can sort all that stuff out, my pleasure."
"Thanks Dan."

After show there's a thunder storm. Thunder, rain, Florida - it just doesn't sound right does it? We get really drunk in a local bar and take random shots on the digital camera of dancers quirking around to atrocious Eighties music on the floor. You bowl up to someone you don't know, take a photo of them on the digital camera, and then show them the result on the camera's LCD screen, all in the space of a few seconds, all while they're still dancing. I think they hated us, but we had a good time. The Eighties were a mistake best glossed over in my opinion and if you're dumb enough to voluntarily get up and shake you booty to the sounds of that era, then you're fair game for abuse.

Just one more day of Florida. Wind the clocks forward and lets get the fuck out of here.

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