Tuesday, July 7, 1998

07-07-98 Club 101. El Paso, TX.

The first thing I see in the morning through the bus window is Gravity Kills' bus. It's purple. The colour purple that gothic girls use for lipstick. With their trailer on the back the whole bus is about 55 feet long. It's elongated, sleek. Gravity Kills get to cruise around on this mission for perversion in a giant gothic eel, while Pitchshifter have to bumble around in a giant cuddly blue dolphin. It's just not fair. I know there is no difference between these two bus except the colour and I know it's ludicrous, but it's so real. I need professional help.

The club is two blocks from the Mexican border. I can see Mexico from the hotel window. I haven't been in Mexico for a few years. Last time I went I ended up staying for a month. I had a stack of promotional work to do for a new Pitchshifter LP, but the urge hit me to get the hell away from my life for a while and I grabbed my girlfriend and ran off to the jungle. I put a fax to the management in the machine and jumped in the cab. It read: "By the time you read this fax I will be in a cab on the way to the airport for a flight to the jungle. I will try and find a telephone to see about doing those interviews. Love Jon".

The management just loved that one. I guess I can't pull shit like that anymore now we're a real band and we've sold our souls to rock and roll. Ahh the good old days.

The gig is a good one. The people are into the show and it goes down well. The PA and the monitors are a sack of shit, but you can't have everything can you? I watch the monitor guy kissing his girlfriend as my mic feeds back. Now that guy takes a pride in his work. After the show I meet a lot of kids who are genuinely happy to see Pitchshifter. I guess not that many bands feel like coming to a town branded as the 'armpit of Texas'. Do they shave it? Maybe more bands would consider coming if it was tagged as the 'shaven armpit of Texas'. Well hell, we had fun here and the crowd were cool. We'd love to come back.

Earlier in the day I met a nice woman who let me climb her fire escape to bring you a photo of the mountains. Love that Southern hospitality. Turns out she's a dominatrix on the side and her cat hates men. More tea Vicar?

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