Thursday, July 16, 1998

16/07/98 - Del Mar Station. Reno, NV.

Driving through the beautiful mountains of Nevada on the way to Reno I can see snow on the mountain tops. The sun is beating down on the bus roof and yet there's snow on the mountain tops. Mad.

As we turn another sweeping corner on the motorway into another beautiful valley I can also see blood on the road. A couple in their Ford have hit something. Their car is pressed against the barrier and their effects are strewn across the road. Their blood is all over them and they look really fucked up. There are a couple of people looking after them. We stop and ask if they need help but they say they're OK. They don't look OK to me. They're lying on the side of the road covered in their own blood. We call for an ambulance on the CB anyway.

Good morning Vietnam. Reno is like a fat free Vegas. You can gamble everywhere and their are titty bars but the big money doesn't go there and the place is a hole. In fact it would seem that the only way to get a meal in Reno is to eat at a titty bar. Call me old fashioned but I don't want to have to go through all that just for a plate of badly prepared vegetables. Reno is kind of lame. The gig by contrast is good. There are some old school Pitchshifter fans in the audience and they're happy to see us in the USA again after four years. Tonight I am honoured with the obligatory flash of knocker. Braces and breasts. Oh what a night. After the show we stop at a truck stop for food. Truck stop food is really getting to me now. They call veggie-burgers 'garden-burgers' in the USA. I am all garden burgered out. The choices are always (if you're lucky): garden burger, pancakes, egg sandwich, cheese sandwich or omelette. I am pig sick of every one of those options and it's only half way though the tour. Tempeh stir fry? No fucking chance mate.

The truck stop has a gambling hall in it. (Well we are in Nevada.) The cashier where you pay for your sweets and sodas and magazines, is carrying a gun. In fact the entire place is surrounded by guns. The four walls of the truck stop are covered in guns behind glass cases. Big guns, little guns, short guns, long guns. Guns and gambling, a nice combination. We order our garden burgers (please no more) and split.

"You want guns with that?"
"No thanks I'm on diet."

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